Repent - or - "change your thinking" - Testimony
Heard a Word at church on Sunday on "REPENT". It was enlightening and confirming to my spirit man. The Pastor was sharing from Mark 1:15 when Jesus had just completed the Wilderness experience and John the Baptist was taken into custody by the Authorities. Jesus came to Galilee preaching the Gospel of God saying "The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the Gospel" The word REPENT here in the original Greek means "metaneo" - to think differently or afterwords reconsider - STRONGS G3340 - associated with "noed" to exercise the mind , to comprehend heed :-consider, perceive, think, understand. STRONGS G3539 I believe the reason it took me till I was 21 to come to Jesus for salvation was due to this very Word, REPENT, which was being misused by so many - in the Church and outside the Church. I viewed REPENT as something I had to do - without really understanding why I had to do it or what was wrong wit...