Don't let Life pass you by

Hitting 52 and knowing there can be many years ahead but yet knowing those years are not as many as when I was 42, or 32 , or 22. I remember when I was "way back" there and thinking 52 was "way out" there .. and yikes It is HERE.

So I am getting out of the boat now of the comfort zone ... and exploring new roads .. but truly depending on the Lord to lead me.

Blogging has always seem a far-a-way Land to me ... I read other Bloggs and wishI could .. well .. now I can. I love to talk .. which is amazing for someone who "stutters" .. So it just takes me a little lonnnnnger to get it oooout .. but I have your attention a liitttttle longer also.

Am buying my FIRST ever home .. a really big stretch for me .. for the dollar also .. but I want that now in my life. I could have gone to an apartment ( and might in the future, who knows ) but I wanted "my own Home" for a while - hopefully till "then" gets here so we'll see. Many people are afraid of "then" so much they don't live in the "now" and enjoy the "now" and put as much into the "now" as they can. "Then" will come .. no doubt about it but what are you doing to do about the "now". God wants us to live in the "now". He'll take care of the "then" and the "hereafter" also if you allowed Him in your "now".

Ok .. gotta run "now" and get ready for work ... excited about my new venture and sharing some things with whomever enjoys reading .. and hopefully I'll encourage ya to Put the Most into LIFE Today "NOW" and let the "then" in His Hands.


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