Getting Started

It's almost 10 PM and I need to go to bed. But my interest in learning something new keeps me here just long enough to post a little note.

Many have great thoughts and ideas but never "get started". It's like buying a car and never turning the key over and putting it in drive. You want to go some where in the car and you dream of going some where in the car and you desire to go some where in the car .. and you even "have" some where to go in the car .. but you do not get in the car and turn the key and go some where. That car is not going take you anywhere unless "you" get in and "you" turn the key.

My heart for years has been to write. Thought about it a lot. Have read things that other people have written. Have liked what others have written. But never have I put any action behind the thought. ( that's me in the second row, second from left - senior year in H.S. - part of the Class Newspaper - way back in 1975 )

Just thinking .. what if God had only thought about creating .. but He never created. Guess I wouldn't be here writing this .. and you wouldn't be there reading it.

What if David ( you know King David - before he became King David ) had only thought about writing songs but never put them down on paper. Most of the Book of Psalms would never have been written and we would not have the understanding of God and His Wonders as we do today.

What if Jesus had only thought about going to the Cross .. boy would we be in a heap of trouble still today.

What if Henry Ford would have only thought about the car - but never did any blue prints.

What if Thomas Edison had only thought about the LIGHT - we'd still be in the dark today. Pun intended.

There are many THOUGHTS I sure am glad went beyond the thinking and manifested into the THING.

What if Bill Gates would never have put his thoughts out there ... guess I'd be writing this all by hand.

I remember my Pastor, Bishop John Gimenez, years ago stating "there were many songs, many books, many dreams, lying 6 feet under in many a graveyards"

Just my thoughts ... as I begin this journey of "getting started" what I have thought about for a long time. I'm sure as this begins to bud and come forth it may change from what my first thoughts were ...

but guess what .. I am Getting STARTED!


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