Child like faith with Dandelion Love
"Child like faith with Dandelion Love" JUNE 2016 That thought streamed through my heart yesterday as I sat at the kitchen table sipping my coffee and having some quiet time before starting my workday. In Matthew 18:4 and 19:14 Jesus told us to come to Him as a little child. Not all grown up, with ideas and ambitions, nor with demands. Just come to Him as a little child, free from all the stuff of the world. When we were young - a VERY long time ago - we gave no thought to anything - worried about nothing ( although I understand all little ones do not have that pleasure but this the way it is supposed to be ). Mom and Dad took care of everything. We did not worry over our next meal, how were the bills being paid, would there be a next day. It is a work of our faith to be like that day in and day out with our Heavenly Father as we grow up and become aware of issues and become responsible people of our lives. There is a shift from not w...