FIRE - What kindling do we use?

 Is 50:11 "Behold, all you who kindle a Fire, who encircle yourselves with firebrands ....... and you will lie down in torment" 

 Proverbs 26:21 "Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, SO IS a contentious man to kindle strife" 

 Sitting here thinking about the ugly stuff going on over in IRAQ .. and other places. . and here at home in America. There are many kinds of FIRES in this world. Most are destructive .. and yet ONE is constructive. I question myself a lot .... what am I adding to each day? Do my words bring life or death? Each of us have an opportunity to either have the embers of the fire to go out .. or to add more wood and cause the fire to increase. What type of fire is it? 

A fire is created to bring heat or to burn down. Am I adding to a good fire that gives or am I adding to a fire that destroys? You can look at the world and see many fires burning .. most for destruction and started by man. How do I add to these fires? Mostly by the Words of my mouth. Every day I am challenged in this area.. and that is why every day I must be in His Word so that His Word trumps over my words.

 How do I cause a fire to go out? Actually by Words also .. or sometimes by silence. God has a FIRE - His fire is to destroy the evil in this world and to burn and consume the evil in me. Deut 32:22 King David put it so simple "Let the Words of my mouth .. and the MEDITATION of my Heart .. be acceptable in Your Sight" Ps 19:14 "Let my MEDITATION be pleasing to Him.." Ps 104:34 "Oh how I love Your law! 

It is my MEDITATION all the day" Ps 119:97 The Kindling we use is the MEDITATION that we gather in our hearts ... if we gather kindling from His Word and being in His Presence then we will build good fires that are constructive .. if we gather kindling from the world . those are the fires are mostly for "dis-struction" . not "con-struction". DIS brings division and CON brings a Gathering together. How i want my words to BUILD, CONstruct, bring together ...... not be "dis" ......


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