JUNE 2016

Psalms 40:2a "He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay"

 Have you ever seen quick sand or watched people battle in mud?  Quick sand has no foundation and both have a suction that seemingly prohibits you escaping it's grasp.

 Sitting here thinking on God picking us up out of the miry clay as the Psalms states and got such a picture of this.

 There we are, stuck in the pool (pit) of destruction, trying, grasping at the walls, trying to get out. With quick sand the more YOU struggle the deeper you sink. In mud, you keep sliding right back down into the pit. There is no sure thing to grasp hold of to get yourself out.

 What I saw was two different scenarios and both with God calling to each. The one hears but keeps trying on his own and keeps slipping and sliding deeper. The other hears and looks up and all he does is reach up and allows God to reach down and pull him up out.

 This speaks of Salvation in Jesus......and then I believe this speaks of our daily life situations where we can either try to do it ourselves or we can continue to look up and reach up and allow God to lift us up everyday out of the muck and miry of life.

The Mucks and Miry will happen. There is an enemy of your soul that works 24/7 to try to kill, steal and destroy. Until Jesus comes and sets up His Kingdom in the physical where every eye will see and behold Him, we will have muck and miry.

 So if you feel life "sucking" you down....look up and reach up... His hand is always extended to take you and bring you up and set you upright again on that sure foundation of Jeses.

 Psalms 40:2b  "And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm"


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