APRIL 2016

Friday's are my very slow mornings.  Every morning is slow for me as I am not a morning person but Friday's are my "hey, it's ok to be slow today so slow down even more and enjoy" kind of mornings.  So I got my Giant Blueberry Pancake together and in the oven and putting my water on for my coffee and getting ready for some "Him and I" time and just sitting down and talking.

And I got to thinking about this and relating it to a husband and wife sitting down in the morning getting ready to start their day and talking and enjoying a cup of coffee and they think and talk about the day ahead.

And then I got this horrid image of a wife sitting there and asking about this and asking about that .. "When are you gonna fix that pipe .. When are you gonna do something about that thing in the garage .. When are you gonna fix that hole in the wall ... When are you gonna talk to your son about his actions .. When are you .. When are you .. What are you gonna do about this .. What are you gonna do about that ..."

And the husband is sitting thinking " I just want to spend time with you and chat about us.  enjoy us.

And then the horrid image of the husband to the wife " why are there dirty dishes the sink .. When was the last time you washed clothes ... What is for dinner ... Why do you wear that thing ... Can't you at least put some makeup on ... This house is a mess .. ". 

and the wife is sitting there just wanting to hear words of encouragement from the man whom she looks to for guidance and protection. 

So this got me to thinking about my morning time with HIM.

My morning time with our Lord is not my time of petition.  Oh, sometimes as we are sitting there and talking back and forth I will venture into that area .. But I so need to sit at His feet as the wife does and hear words of affirmation and encouragement. And our Lord never comes to our coffee time with a list of failures from yesterday.  He always comes with Words of wisdom and encouragement for "today".  We may discuss those failures from yesterday but He never brings it up and throws it in my face.

My morning time is not a time where I site everything wrong with the world and why is HE NOT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!  My morning time is a time of reflection of His Goodness in my life.  Looking into His Word and reading of His Love and His Desires for me to live a life filled to overflowing with His blessings.  My morning time is a time of giving Thanks for His Mercy and His Grace.  My morning time is a time to reflect on "if it hadn't been for Him in my life .. Where would I be" .. My morning time is a good time .. I get my coffee .. I open His Word .. We sit and talk about Love, Mercy and Grace about life.

I love my morning time with Him.  I never get up and feel defeated and deflated and bogged down with yesterday's failures.  He has a way of washing that away as we fellowship and I get up with a newness in my heart and mind for facing a new day with Him.

Anyhow .. Gotta water has boiled and my coffee is brewing in my French Press..the oven has buzzed and the pancake is finished baking.  The wonderful blueberry smell has filled my kitchen ( and my house ). I will pour my coffee, slice a piece of the pancake onto a plate, drizzle some Maple syrup over it for a tad bit of sweetness and sit here and talk to the ONE who has been patiently waiting for me to come and sit.

Have a great day .. He loves you so much .. He truly does .. Easter was about YOU!!!


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