JUNE 2016

My favorite worship music is Hillsong. Love it. Bucket list for sure. Will always remember Pastor Houston coming to CBN and sharing God's touch that came one evening as they were in a dry place and seeking God's direction. 

When I came to know and understand salvation I remember one of my petitions of knowing this God that I was being taught about was "If You are Real and You are really Who You say You are...You can talk to me just like You do everyone else. I do not need to go to others to hear what You are saying to me". I did not say that with arrogance. I prayed that with a sincere heart. 

As I pick up my guitar again and began to sing "my" heart to our Lord I got this scenario in my heart and will try to pen it on paper. 

How would it feel as a husband or wife ( and I is neither but this is what I saw in my spirit as I pondered this ) .... if every time your spouse said he/ she loved you that they brought their best friend along to say it for them. If In those intimate times that their friend was there saying all the love things because "they say it better...their words are more beautiful and  eloquent..."   

Would you not rather that your spouse in their own words and maybe even a little clumsy but with a sincere heart spoke directly to you and not through someone else. Would it be more sincere and meaningful to you to hear it from their own heart and not by way of someone else?

As much as I love Hillsong and they do so much via their songs ....God wants to hear my heart and my words and my voice. He does not want to get to my heart via Hillsong. He wants to hear ME in the sincerity of my heart.

God has always been faithful to talk to me. And He is faithful to listen to me also. Just like a husband and wife desires communication more than anything else in their marriage, our Heavenly Father desires this more than anything else as we walk out our salvation here on earth. 


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