HE did it ALL for YOU


Jesus DIED so we would not have to. Really!


There is no way for Jesus to have naturally DIE. He was/is God. God can not die.


Read it. When Jesus was on the Cross, He said "IT IS FINISHED" and BOWED HIS HEAD AND GAVE UP HIS SPIRIT". Luke records. " Father, into Your Hands I commit My Spirit"  He did not DIE .. in the sense we think of .. He GAVE through experiencing DEATH for US.


He experienced DEATH and took the Weight of OUR SIN upon Himself so we would not have to Experience Death. He BROKE that CURSE that satan held over our heads.


And He did not just lay in the tomb for 3 days. His Body did. When He bowed and gave up the Spirit so the CURSE could be BROKEN, He went straight from the Cross into Hell and started Stripping the enemy of our soul of the power of Sin and Death. He had to enter Hell via Death but then He came Forth out of Hell with the KEYS that unlock us from the enemies grip.


We miss out when we do not look at the 3 days and 3 nights between the Cross and the Resurrection.  The Stuff that happened in those 3 days is just as important as what happened via the Cross and then the Stone Being Rolled Away.


You know all HELL BROKE LOOSE when Jesus stepped through those GATES ... this fallen angel who had held captive the lives of people for years ... was finally at the feet of Jesus .. bowing.. and acknowledging the LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ .. and all those in hell witnessed before their very eyes the powerLESS fallen angel whom they had followed and allowed to control them being STRIPPED OF EVERYTHING.  And those who were longing for this freedom were RELEASED from the chains and shackles that held them.


When you look at the PASSION - think how much He ENDURED for you - every blow that should have been directed to OUR BACK for OUR SIN .. He endured - He did not call legions of angels to help Him.. He did not change His Mind and QUIT in the Middle .. He could have. He could easily said "Ok.. this is enough- they don't deserve it - I am tired of suffering in their place -  there are many who will sneer and reject what I am doing - why should I be doing this for ALL MANKIND ... BUT .... LOVE FOR MANKIND caused HIM TO ENDURE TO THE END.


On the Cross when the Weight of our Sin- the Punishment - was set upon Him to Bare - He who NEVER SINNED and KNEW NO SIN- allowed this - and took our place.. and the Father HAD TO TURN HIS EYE AWAY BECAUSE HE CAN NOT LOOK ON SIN -and the Father and the Son were separated for a moment in time that never happened before and never will happen again - and He bore that separation that has been there between God and Man since the Garden .. and NOW WE NO LONGER ARE SEPARATED FROM GOD BY OUR SIN.  That should make ya shout!!!!


When Jesus bowed His Head .. and Gave it Up Himself .. HE took DEATH upon Himself ... satan did not take it from Him .. the CURTAIN in the Temple was torn .. from TOP TO BOTTOM.  This curtain if you read on the Temple was several layers thick and had no opening in which to enter.  And God when Jesus Bowed and said IT IS FINISHED - took HIS HAND and SPLIT the Curtain from TOP TO BOTTOM and released His Presence to All Mankind.  No longer was it just the priest who could enter into the Holy of Holies once year .. but now every man, woman and child could enter in - everyday - 24/7.


There is so much to learn and understand about God's LOVE for US...His Blood.. what it means for Him to have shed Blood for us.. Blood is LIFE.. Blood is Cleasning.. Blood is covering .. in the Holy of Holies the priest once a year would take Blood from animals slainned on our behalf -and carry this Blood into the Holy of Holies behind the Vail and pour the Blood upon the Altar and God would accept this on behalf of all mankind.


Jesus did this ONCE and FOR ALL.. His Death .. His Blood shed .. He carried to the Tabernacle in Heaven .. In John 20 Jesus appears to Mary and she apparently reaches out and is clinging to Him and He says "Top Clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father;.."  Scholars say that He had to enter into the Tabernacle in Heaven and present the Blood on the Altar - ONCE and FOR ALL....


When I think over my life.. and even after coming to know Jesus and learning of my Savior and understanding some things.. having made the decision years ago to follow Him .. acknowledge MY SIN and accept HIS PAYMENT on the cross .. I have not been perfect .. I have not always walked correctly or talked correctly .. and I am ever grateful that His Blood on that Altar speaks LOUDER than MY SIN and speaks daily to Our Father of Mercy and Grace and Forgiveness.  Does not mean that I willingly abuse the Stripes on His Back . .just means that when I do fall .. that He has RISEN and Taken Back the KEYS to SIN and DEATH and as I reach UP that He reaches DOWN and takes my hand and PICKS ME UP and brushes me off and I continue to walk out this FAITH knowing that one day I will realize  'HEAVEN IS FOR REAL' ..


Now go see the movie.. and realize that HEAVEN IS FOR REAL and HEAVEN WAS MADE FOR YOU AND I.  And Jesus provided the WAY .. paid our DEBT .. Released us to LIVE with Him .. took back the KEYS that held us captive and away from GOD.. All you can say sometimes is "THANK YOU JESUS"


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