A Holy God and A Heavenly Father


These two titles of God seem so distance but yet they are the same Person of the Godhead.

 I believe most people view the "HOLY GOD" title and thus view Him as "demanding, unreachable and untouchable"  And the reason we have this view can partly be blamed on the misrepresentation by the Church but I believe this comes from deep in our hearts because "we" know who and what we are.

 One of my desires in life as I walk here on earth and work to fulfill God's purpose of my portion in His Kingdom is that people would understand how "reachable" God truly is in the midst of all our Sin .. and our Stuff.

 That we could reach God in the midst of our sin .. and the midst of our stuff .. was made real to me as I listened to my siblings talk concerning our father.  I realized too late that I missed out on a father-daughter relationship, not because of my Dad .. but because of "me".  My siblings would talk about all that our Dad told them or shared with them or whatever ... and I would listen and think "what, I never heard that or shared that" ... and it took years for me to understand why .. and why I stress the reality of everyone being able to touch GOD .. here on earth .. and have a wonderful open vibrant living on going relationship with their Heavenly Father.  And why I determined in my heart to not wait till Heaven to experience my Heavenly Father and what He has for me "here on earth as it already is in heaven".

 See,  I have this speech problem and when I was younger, it was much worse.  In order to get the point across I have to state that one person in my life made it very evident that I was wasting people's time if I could not talk without stuttering.  Like I had to make sure I could speak it out with no hesitation or forget it.  This was not my father .. but due to this I felt like I had to be perfect when I would speak at all to my father.  And being under that pressure of perfection made me just say "forget it".  So I missed out.  I use to long to just sit and talk to my father but I knew that I couldn't do it without stuttering so I just didn't even try. 

 Many people view God in this fashion.  They look at their lives.. they know they have issues .. they know they are not perfect ..they know they have sin .. they know what they did ..they know how they truly are deep inside where no one else see's .. and they say "forget it".

 Now, if you only view God as "Holy God".. then our lives do come up short ... we are failures compared to His Holiness ... and there is no means that we can measure up .. in and by ourselves .. to a Holy God .......

 But see .. when Jesus gave His Life .. in exchange for our lives .. and died on that Cross .. in obedience to His Heavenly Father ... the CURTAIN in the Temple was torn from Top to Bottom .. this allowed "us IN"  .. and brought God Out.  Not because of who we are or what we are... but because of Who Jesus is .. and What Jesus Did.

 So now .. Holy God .. satisfied with the Work of Jesus on the Cross .. becomes Heavenly Father.  There had to be recompense


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