
Showing posts from October, 2020

Child like faith with Dandelion Love

 "Child like faith with Dandelion Love"  JUNE 2016 That thought streamed through my heart yesterday as I sat at the kitchen table sipping my coffee and having some quiet time before starting my workday. In Matthew 18:4 and 19:14 Jesus told us to come to Him as a little child.  Not all grown up, with ideas and ambitions, nor with demands.  Just come to Him as a little child, free from all the stuff of the world.  When we were young - a VERY long time ago - we gave no thought to anything - worried about nothing ( although I understand all little ones do not have that pleasure but this the way it is supposed to be ).  Mom and Dad took care of everything.  We did not worry over our next meal, how were the bills being paid, would there be a next day.  It is a work of our faith to be like that day in and day out with our Heavenly Father as we grow up and become aware of issues and become responsible people of our lives.  There is a shift from not worrying about the next day to havi


 JUNE 2016 My favorite worship music is Hillsong. Love it. Bucket list for sure. Will always remember Pastor Houston coming to CBN and sharing God's touch that came one evening as they were in a dry place and seeking God's direction.  When I came to know and understand salvation I remember one of my petitions of knowing this God that I was being taught about was "If You are Real and You are really Who You say You are...You can talk to me just like You do everyone else. I do not need to go to others to hear what You are saying to me". I did not say that with arrogance. I prayed that with a sincere heart.  As I pick up my guitar again and began to sing "my" heart to our Lord I got this scenario in my heart and will try to pen it on paper.  How would it feel as a husband or wife ( and I is neither but this is what I saw in my spirit as I pondered this ) .... if every time your spouse said he/ she loved you that they brought their best friend along to say it for


 JUNE 2016 1 Sam 8: Israel demands a King. ( to be like the "other" nations ) Selah. Sitting here in my quiet time ( as much as I can with chicks and doggies and a kitty which helps me to understand Mothers needing space ) and opened the Bible and it fell to this passage. Sometimes I just start reading where it opens to and keep reading until His Spirit starts talking.  Sometimes I use a Devotional or maybe I will pull the notes from Sunday's Message or maybe something sparked from a pastor on TV.  Don't ever get hooked on "one" way of spending time with the Father.  He may want to speak to you via a different means and you wonder why you can't hear from Him.  Sometimes I don't even open the Bible but just take some time listening and He begins to talk - many people in other nations do not even have the Written Word - they only have the daily Spoken Word in their heart as they follow Christ. Anyhow just reading and meditating on this.  The people wan


APRIL 2016 Friday's are my very slow mornings.  Every morning is slow for me as I am not a morning person but Friday's are my "hey, it's ok to be slow today so slow down even more and enjoy" kind of mornings.  So I got my Giant Blueberry Pancake together and in the oven and putting my water on for my coffee and getting ready for some "Him and I" time and just sitting down and talking. And I got to thinking about this and relating it to a husband and wife sitting down in the morning getting ready to start their day and talking and enjoying a cup of coffee and they think and talk about the day ahead. And then I got this horrid image of a wife sitting there and asking about this and asking about that .. "When are you gonna fix that pipe .. When are you gonna do something about that thing in the garage .. When are you gonna fix that hole in the wall ... When are you gonna talk to your son about his actions .. When are you .. When are you .. What are you


 JUNE 2016 Psalms 40:2a "He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay"   Have you ever seen quick sand or watched people battle in mud?   Quick sand has no foundation and both have a suction that seemingly prohibits you escaping it's grasp.   Sitting here thinking on God picking us up out of the miry clay as the Psalms states and got such a picture of this.   There we are, stuck in the pool (pit) of destruction, trying, grasping at the walls, trying to get out. With quick sand the more YOU struggle the deeper you sink. In mud, you keep sliding right back down into the pit. There is no sure thing to grasp hold of to get yourself out.   What I saw was two different scenarios and both with God calling to each. The one hears but keeps trying on his own and keeps slipping and sliding deeper. The other hears and looks up and all he does is reach up and allows God to reach down and pull him up out.   This speaks of Salvation in Jesus......and th


 DATED JUNE 2016 Mirror Mirror on the Wall ... (Tell ME what I want to hear ) ... Remember the story .. the Queen who had a mirror reassure her of her beauty and status in life ...   Remember when the mirror learnt about SNOW WHITE ... Remember the Queen's jealousy rage ....... Do we do this?   I have this mirror I bought for like 3-5 bucks .. and trust me the image I see is about 3-5 bucks worth. I look at myself in it and totally dislike what I see ... and have to go to another mirror of greater value to see myself as I am. I've been thinking on this in several different views ... I do have that ADHD or whatever brain .. zoom...zoom...zoom .. sorta like Skooter the Cat when he gets in one of him hyper moods..and he is zooming all over the house.. which usually results in something getting broke...but the trip is so much fun!   anyhow ... back on course here ....   So many times we are like the Queen ..going to the MIRROR/People and wanting to hear what we want to hear ... tel


  James 2:13b   "mercy triumphs over judgement"   I will one day stand before the JUDGE of this Universe to give an account.   And as in any Court of LAW - there is the JUDGE, there is the defendant, there is the Prosecutor.   The Prosecutor will give every bit of evidence as to why I should be condemned.   The lies, the thoughts, the actions, the disobedience, the self pride,   the unforgiveness, the judging, the anger, the etc,etc,etc ..   SIN.   and I will look at the JUDGE and have no other choice but to say "guilty as charged"     BUT THEN ... my (our) Attorney who was appointed by the Court ( Heaven ) will step forth in my (our) defense ..   "JUDGE, this woman standing before you for sure is guilty of all the crimes against YOUR LAW ... she truly is destined for hell and should pay every punishment that is due for the crimes she has committed ... but JUDGE ... she has accepted the EXCHANGE that the Court ( Heaven ) has offered her .. she has ack


 dated FEB 2015 Months ago I started a new way of eating to gain my health back.   The previous year I had squandered my health with excuses.   Instead of me being in control I allowed circumstances to be in control.   So shortly after Christmas I looked at myself with open eyes and open heart. I had gain much weight and had grown into clothes that I never thought I would wear. I went cold turkey on several things in my eating habits, sugar, flour and pasta.   It is so like me to just "do it".   I am one that it may take a while to get to the point of change but once I am to that point, there is no playing with the piper.   I had done this years ago when I lived with Luella and had great success but this time there was no Luella.   There was no one who had a healthy cooked meal sitting on the table when I got home from work.   There was no Luella helping with healthy ideas and yes even supply.   So I prayed and asked God to give me some guidance, some help.   I started se

A Holy God and A Heavenly Father

   These two titles of God seem so distance but yet they are the same Person of the Godhead.   I believe most people view the "HOLY GOD" title and thus view Him as "demanding, unreachable and untouchable"   And the reason we have this view can partly be blamed on the misrepresentation by the Church but I believe this comes from deep in our hearts because "we" know who and what we are.   One of my desires in life as I walk here on earth and work to fulfill God's purpose of my portion in His Kingdom is that people would understand how "reachable" God truly is in the midst of all our Sin .. and our Stuff.   That we could reach God in the midst of our sin .. and the midst of our stuff .. was made real to me as I listened to my siblings talk concerning our father.   I realized too late that I missed out on a father-daughter relationship, not because of my Dad .. but because of "me".   My siblings would talk about all that our Dad

HE did it ALL for YOU

  Jesus DIED so we would not have to. Really!   There is no way for Jesus to have naturally DIE. He was/is God. God can not die.   Read it. When Jesus was on the Cross, He said "IT IS FINISHED" and BOWED HIS HEAD AND GAVE UP HIS SPIRIT". Luke records. " Father, into Your Hands I commit My Spirit"   He did not DIE .. in the sense we think of .. He GAVE through experiencing DEATH for US.   He experienced DEATH and took the Weight of OUR SIN upon Himself so we would not have to Experience Death. He BROKE that CURSE that satan held over our heads.   And He did not just lay in the tomb for 3 days. His Body did. When He bowed and gave up the Spirit so the CURSE could be BROKEN, He went straight from the Cross into Hell and started Stripping the enemy of our soul of the power of Sin and Death. He had to enter Hell via Death but then He came Forth out of Hell with the KEYS that unlock us from the enemies grip.   We miss out when we do not look at th